Science New Original NCERT Book Class-VIII English Medium


Science New Original NCERT Book Class-VIII English Medium

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Science New Original NCERT Book Class-VIII English Medium
Total Pages- 260
Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management
Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe
Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
Chapter 4: Materials: Metals and Non-Metals
Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum
Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame
Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals
Chapter 8: Cell – Structure and Functions
Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals
Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence
Chapter 11: Force and Pressure
Chapter 12: Friction
Chapter 13: Sound
Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current
Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena
Chapter 16: Light
Chapter 17: Stars and The Solar System
Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water

Weight 0.64 kg
Dimensions 27 × 21 × 1 cm