Disha UPSC (Civil Services IAS Mains) Essay Solved Papers 2013-2023 5th Edition English Medium

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Disha UPSC (Civil Services IAS Mains) 11 year Wise  Essay Solved Papers 2013-2023 5th Edition English Medium
Total Pages- 276
1. Be the change you want to see in others- Gandhiji
2. Is the Colonial Mentality hindering India’s success?
3. GDP (Gross Domestic Product) along with GDH (Gross Domestic Happiness) would be the right indices for judging the well being of a country
4. Science and Technology is the Panacea for the growth and security of the nation

5. Fifty Golds in Olympics: Can this be a reality for India?
6. Is Sting operation an invasion of privacy?
7. Is the growing level of competition good for the youth?
8. Are the standardised tests good measure of academic ability and progress?
9. Tourism: Can this be the next big thing for India
10. Was it the policy paralysis or the paralysis of implementation which slowed the growth of our country?
11. With greater power comes greater responsibility
12. Words are sharper than the two-edged sword

13. Can Capitalism bring Inclusive Growth?
14. Character of an institution is reflected in its leader
15. Crisis faced in India – moral or economic
16. Dreams which should not let India sleep
17. “Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make a man a more clever devil.”
18. Lending hands to someone is better than giving a dole
19. Quick but steady wins the race
20. Technology cannot replace manpower

21. Cooperative federalism: Myth or reality
22. Cyberspace and internet: Blessing or curse to the human civilization in the long run
23. If development is not engenderes, it is endangered
24. Digital Economy: A Leveller or a Source of Economic Ineqality
25. Innovation is the key determinant of economic growth and social welfare
26. Near Jobless Growth in India: An Anomaly or an Outcome of Economic Reforms?
27. Need brings greed, if greed increases it spoils breed
28. Water Dispute Between States in Federal India

29. Farming has Lost the Ability to be a Source of Subsistance for Majority of the Farmers in India
30. Fulfillment of New Woman in India is a Myth
31. Has the Non-Alignnment Movement (NAM) lost its relevance in a multipolar world?
32. Impact of new economic measures on fiscal ties between the union and states in India
33. Joy is simplest form of gratitude
34. We may brave human laws but cannot resist natural laws
35. Social Media is an Inherently Selfish Medium
36. The destiny of a nation is shaped in its classrooms

37. A good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge
38. A people that values its privileges above its principles loses both
39. Alternative technologies for a climate change resilient India
40. Customary Morality cannot be a Guide to Modern Life
41. Management of Indian Border disputes- a complex task
42. Poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everyehere
43. Reality does not confirm to the ideal, but confirms it
44.’The Past’ is a Permanent dimension of human consciousness and values

45.Best for an individual is not necessarily best for the society
46.Biased Media is a real threat to indian democracy
47.Courage to accept and dedication to improve are two keys to success
48.Neglect of primary healthcare and education in india are reasons for its backwardness
49.Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling
50.South Asian Societies are woven not around the state, but around their plural cultures and plural identites
51.Values are not what humanity is, but what humanity ought to be
52.Wisdom finds truth

53.Life is a long journey between human being and being humane
54.Mindful mainifesto is the catalyst to a tranquil self
55.Ships do not sink because of water around them, ships sink because water gets into them
56.Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
57.Culture is What we are , Civilisation is what we have
58.There can be no social justice without economic prosperity, but economic prosperity without social justice is meaningless
59.Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant factor of social inequality
60.Technology as the silent factor in international relations

61.The Process of Self -Discovery has now been technologically outsourced
62.Your Perception of me is a reflection of you: my reaction to you is an awareness of me
63.Philosophy of wantlessness is utopian While materialism is a chimera
64.The real is rational and the rational is real
65.Hand that rocks the Cradle rules the world
66.What is research, but a blind date with knowledge
67.History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce
68.There are better practice than ”best practices”

Section A
69. Forests are the Best Case Studies For Economics Excellence
70. Poets are the funacknowledged legislators of the world
71. History is a seires of Victories won by the scienctific man over the romantic man
72. A Ship in harbour is safe, But that is not what a ship is for

Section B
73. The Time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining
74. You Cannot step twice in the same river
75. A Smile is the chosen Vehicle for all ambiguities
76. Just because you have a choice, it does not mean that any of them has to be right.

77. Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless threr is an opposite team.
78. Visionary decision -making happens at the intersection of intution and logic.
79. Not all who wander are lost.
80. Inspiration for creativity springs from the effort to look for the magical in themundane.
81. Girls are weighed down by restrictions, boys with demands two equally harmful disciplines.
82. Mathematics is the music of reason.
83. A Society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity.
84. Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

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